Saturday, December 30, 2017


This is a Confirmatory Notes on the discussion held on 20 Dece 2017.  In attendance were:

The discussion took off  at about 1430 hours with the Chairman welcoming and thanking those who came. He mentioned that considering that the year 2017 is coming to a close and we were about to welcome 2018 the meeting was called to
a. Discuss Club 12/68 program for the whole year of 2018.
b. Have a post-mortem on the previous RU in Bangkok.
The President in his Remarks stated
a.    He was happy and elated that the RU2017 BKK was over and went on well. He congratulated the Chairman and his Committee for a job well done. There were observations and commenis as this was to be expected. This would be touched by the chairman under the subject of the post-mortem..
b.    Reiterated that the meeting was held to discuss the ‘General Outline Plan’ for 2018.
c.    Indicated that since 2018 would be a  Year that we will commemorate the Club’s 50th anniversary then  it should be celebrated with pride and pomp. He mentioned that anniversary need not necessarily be one event only but a series of event.with a Grand Finale possibly on an auspicious date.
d.    He also congratulated the Squads for coming out with  the condolence and wishes for KD Richard and his family on his recent bereavement. He also commended  the Squads for coming forward to contribute to the family to offset expenses on their loss.
The Chairman continued the discussion with a Post Mortem of the previous outings which was the RU2017 Bangkok. He welcome comments and got a respond from:
a.    Burn- He felt that the programme was a bit too tight. Leaving us with not much rest and our own free time.
b.    Reportedly – The trip to the River Kwai was too long and of no benefit.
c.    Generally – The night river cruise and the cultural show was interesting and very entertaining.
d.    Generally – There were repeats of going to the same place like the TheElephant and Crocodile shows.
e.    JohnH –visit to the Floating Market was a bit of unclear as to the whether we would be on long-shafts OBM boats or on land or the area could be covered on foot.

In summary it was agreed that the program was a bit tight. To this the Chairman stated that it was due  to wanting to maximise our visit at the rates we  were paying. As for the River Kwai trip, most felt that it was a worthwhile trip. It was also mentioned that it may be more practical to sleep overnight in the area. Overall the Chairman, Committee and the President took note of the comments and wi ll endeavour to improve on it.

The Chairman continued with his perspective of a General Activities which would cover the following:
a.    Gathering Together.
b.    Visit to Places of Significance to Club 12/68.
c.    Visit as a CSR effort
d.    Tahlil.
e.    Formal Dinner.
f.    Grand Finale
g.    Most of the activities would be held in-country..
The views that were discussed included:
a.    Only golfers need to go overseas. These were objected to as our spouses need to come along overseas for a much-needed breaks – and that bit of shopping.
b.    The President reminded that there should be a Club 12/68 Family Gathering in-country.
c.    Have some activities in-country and some overseas

Based on these discussions, the Chairman presented what he perceived should be the activities for the Year 2018. It was  as follows..

The above itinerary were plotted as a general guideline as well as for planning purposes. It would be subject to scrutiny and feedbacks by members  to have a more clear and define programme.
The meeting concluded at about 1600 hours with thanks to the High Point Management as well as to John Ramli Harun for the sumptuous  lunch of nasi  briani  gam.
The Chairman will inform members of the next meeting.
Regards to All.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Life was going on as normal for us of Club 12/68 with the usual banter on our WE12/68 Whatsapp Channel when at about 1450 hours on 13 Dec 2017, we received a posting from Hon Mun Loong of a tragedy that struck our brother KD Richard’s Family.

It was blurry at that moment but we were informed that Richard’s family suffered as described by him as follows:
” I lost my grandson in a fire, which was burnt down by thieves after they slashed and killed the two grandparents. Four died in that fire and my other grandson managed to escape with slash wounds too. It happened this mng at 6,00 am at Tg Sepat home by the sea … on way to Sepang.”
There was an immediate response from most of us exuding condolence and grief over his loss. We attended his daughter’s wedding at NUPW in PJ. This must be the son of that daughter and her husband.
Later on the incidents that happened got clearer through our squads’ query as well as through the MSM and social media. What was revealed was that ‘Richard’s besan” was assaulted by a known family friend. Other then the couple, the assailant also  assaulted  the grandson and set fire to the house. Another grandson, 12 years old managed to escape. The house was razed to the ground. I guessed by now we would have got a clearer picture what happened. Richard was devastated. Who wouldn’t? Losing 3 family members in a moment of frenzy and madness by the assailant.
I saw the President’s query and words of condolence. He was “shocked with disbelief and at that moment of grief asked if ‘there is anything I can do? I am just a call away”,  There were more after that. The President and a few more suggested that we start a ‘collection’ in monetary form to contribute to Richard and Family. In our mind it would at least offset the lost and hopefully contribute to the administrative requirement as well as rebuilding the house.
That started the ‘Collection Drive’. We received contribution from as far as the USA, Hong Kong and Australia besides those in residence. All contributions were managed by HashimYahaya, Bakar Baba and Apai. All collections were in cash and a group of us went to Richard’s house on the morning of  17 Dec 2017 to hand over the collection.

There was a total of more than RM 12,000.00. Hashim Yahaya spoke, Apai spoke, Bakar Baba spoke and Isa Hassan also spoke. Richard and wife , Veron was overwhelmed with the ‘support’ shown by his squads. He responded amongst others’ I am overwhelmed by the responses from our intake. I and wife are ever grateful.
Let us hope Richard and Veron will stay resolute in overcoming this terrible episode in their family life and emerge stronger. We wish them well.      

Sunday, October 15, 2017


DAY 6 – 28th September 2017

A Summary.

Yes. We are home now. Most are in Klang Valley but there are those in Hong Kong,
the states of Malacca, Kedah and Negri Sembilan and Sarawak.

. We met for 5 days. Had a ‘hectic’ itinerary and felt happy and contented to have met brothers and their families over that period.
It was a year of planning – since the last RU in Makasar. It was when the President on the night of the Grand Dinner, announced the chairman of the Organising Committee.
That set the motion to organise the next Reunion. The Chairman chose his committee and has been providing the momentum to organise the next one just as successfully as the last one.
After much haggling with members and their spouses, Bangkok was chosen. We stuck with our Tour Organiser, HighPoint with Hans Nudin as the key person involved. The Committee was always mindful of organising an RU that would be interesting, intimate, affordable and fraternising.
The President was always available to give an ‘outsiders’ view to the goings on based on his keeping his ears close to the ground. While letting the committee decide, he did once in a while came in to offer advise and suggestions. Always aware of the spouses side of opinion.
The committee worked hard. The Chairman was Hashim Yahaya, the Treasurer cum coordinator was Marzuki Andong affectionately referred to as ‘Apai’., the Golf Convenor John Ramli Harun, Haji Hamdan Mohd Salleh as the Religious Adviser  and Hans of Highpoint. Other members such as Burn, Hadi and Isa do come in off and on. To partake the tasks at hand.
We met new friends such as Datu Mohammed Sepuan Anu and Khairudin Ibrahim and their wives – the Dayangs of Sarawak. We meet again Azman Aziz and Rosly Ismail and the youngish Fareed Fardauz Khan and his ever smiling wife Sharifah Murshidah and ABK’s Maizatul Jasmeen. Rod brought along Noor Aimee Farhana. We all became Famili.
We left on 23 Sep and came back on 27 Sep 2017.
A 5 day gathering of a mixed bag of individuals who decided to join the Armed Forces in 1968. Some joined earlier and some later. The base was the Royal Military College Sungai Besi. We were of the Regular Intake 12. Some have left earlier for their training, Even as we underwent training there were those who were chosen to continue overseas like to the Royal Military Academy, Sandhursr, the Naval College of Dartmouth or even to the RAF Training Centre in Cornwal. For purposes of earmarking our existence, the dates of 8 May 1968 was our formation and 12 April 1970 as our commissioning date. Those who were within those dates  of joining or commission are members of Club 12/68. This year was our 49th anniversary and 2018 will be our 50th anniversary. Our Golden Anniversary. There were already murmurs of a big celebrations for that year. The President has decreed that Hashim Yahaya undertake the responsibility again. He would have his committee of Apai, Burn, John RH and Hj Hamdan Mohd Salleh. More will be coopted. Wishing him and his committee the very best.
A last word from the President:
‘a. Thank you to the Org Chairman HY and his team, especially Marzuki Andung aka Apai  for the splendid orgn.
b. I physically noticed that this time around the spirit is high... laughter, jokes, fun, and never a dull moment. Everyone seemed to be so engrossed with the events.
The time was well occupied with events, visits, socials, entertainments, makan makan
I  noticed a few skipped out at night from the hotel to explore the night beauty of BKK
c. The food and entertainment were remarkable this time.
d. Our guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I received whatsapps thanking me for inviting them. They want to continue to join us in future events
e. Year 2018 is our 50th Anniversary. To be friends, very  close friends, with such a union of voice, spirits and togetherness, is something we should all cherished. Not only us but our wives union as well. We should plan events to spread over the year period with a grand event to mark the close of the Jubilee. I shall leave it to HY to plan and discuss with the rest.
f. We are all equal inter se. There are no ranks, no honours, no whatever to separate us. We shall continue with that breadth of life. We do our best endeavour to help others in time of needs.
g. I wish all the very best, blessed with good health and fortune of sorts.
In the same breadth of what MacAurther said , at the beach of Manila, before his departure, I SHALL RETURN. Now I say WE SHALL MEET, DELIGHT AND REVEL IN THE JOY OF OUR REUNION 2018...INSYAALLAH

An Addendum
"I wish for R18 , our 50th Anniversary our other squad brothers are able to find time to join in all or most of our activities. That I refer to to squads as FZ, Don Too, Tommy Pereira, Tairobi, Abu Kassim, Bakar Suman, Kamaldin, Baharin and the full list. This is a good time to bring them back with us. I call on our squads to actively make contacts with them. Its not all of us but there are there amongst us who have a personal one-to-one relationships with them. Thanks." 
 It is hoped that we continue as the ‘Band of Brothers’ and giving time for each other as ‘Friends’.
With the Warmest of Regards.

ps- Especially for Mike heres
'We Don't Talk Anymore"

For Pete:
'You are Always on My Mind.'

For Yusof:
Endless Love

From Me.
You've Got a Friend

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


 DAY 5 – 27th September 2017.
This was to be our second golf game in Bangkok. Its at Riverdale Golf Club. As described in the brochure: A premium course with excellent greens and hole routing. Designed by Jonathan Morrow and Al Tikkanen. Riverdale Golf Club is destined to become one of the most celebrated Bangkok golf courses.

The landscape includes several large lakes which were dredged to create the hills that surround the golf course and frame most of the holes. Beyond the perimeter though there's not much to look as it is predominantly comprised of factories and small villages. But once you've fired your opening tee-shot at the gently sloping downhill opener, the challenges and considerable charm of these immaculately groomed links will quickly assert themselves.
Aside from its excellent conditioning and undoubted challenges, the real joy of Riverdale Golf Club lies in its wonderful interplay of gently rolling fairways, many small reed-lined lakes, raised greens, excellent bunkering, and large hills that break-up some of the layout's innate openness.
After negotiating many immaculate, subtly breaking greens and hopefully coming through the 18 holes with scorecard relatively intact, enjoy cool refreshments at the contemporary styled club house which overlooks the 1st and 18th holes. Elegant locker rooms provide for nice changing facilities characteristic of a 5-star private members golf club.
We got there after a 40 minute ride. Change and proceeded to the buggies, caddies and the 1st tee-box. A group photograph prevailed.
We were in our grey golf shirts.

 R17 BANGKOK on the left sleeve, our names on the right sleeve, The Riverdale Golf Club logo on the right chest and our Club logo on the left chest and the Sponsor’s logo TM, on the right – emblazoned with pride. We top it with the designers’ caps on our heads. Impressive.

It was an interesting stroll through the course. As it gets midday the heat was getting to us. More so buggies were confined to the tracks only. Chances were that we tend to place our shots away from the buggy tracks. And it’ll be another 30 metres walk to it. Phew.

We got back in one piece and after cleaning up proceeded for lunch. Linking up with the rest of the club members.
It was here that the prizes were distributed. The prizes were all in KL. We just drew lots on the prenumbered prizes to be claimed once home. By order of performance we drew. What was interesting was that the front runners may not necessarily win the better prize. It was the Luck of the Draw.



The standings of the 15 golfers are shown below;

 And their winnings were:

We then proceeded to the airport for home. It’s  been 5 days of fun, frolic, food and fraternising. A bit of bearable glitch, then we were airborne reaching KLIA at about 12.00 midnight.
Good Show Fellas. Hope we’ll be able to link up again one of these days.
Warmest Regards